Posts tagged #podcast

Episode 6: Heroes of Light

In episode 6, Auston Montville of Too DX talks about his lifelong dream of making games, and wonders -- is a life spent as an indie developer worthwhile? The answer will shock you!

No it won't. But it's a well-thought-out reflection. Give it a listen?

Musical selections for this episode:

"Wonder Cycle" by Chris Zabriskie
"Exploration" by Artificial.Music
"Sacrifice" by Robodub
"Silver" by Jahzzar
"Cable" by Son-Zu
"Part 1" by kimmyunghwan
"Seaside" by Lyvo

Episode 5: Loss in the Fifth Generation

In episode 5, Dylan McCarthy talks about a childhood spent gaming, and how games helped him cope with his father's cancer and eventual death.

Warning: This episode is about coping, and is not particularly uplifting.

Musical selections for this episode:

"Sunset" by Evgeny Grinko 
"Summers Coming" by Dexter Britain 
"Winter Sunshine" by Evgeny Grinko
"Vintage Frames" by Kai Engel 
"It smells like Chamomile Tea" by Evgeny Grinko
"Melancholy Aftersounds" by Kai Engel
"Awaken From A Nightmare" by Silver Process 
"From Truth" by Dexter Britain
"Biology Slides" by Bleak House 

Episode 4: Archnemesis

In Episode 4, Susi Stuart talks about the moral guidance she learned from the Ultima series, and how one rogue lawyer prompted her to change her entire life.

Musical selections for this episode:

"Be gentle" by Red Mass
"Flying Through Popcorn" by Wootson
"It Works" by Sven Meyer
"When The Lights Came On" by Kai Engel 
"All Noise No Signal" by Lyndon Scarfe
"Black Widdow" by Passionate Imperfection
"Tycho" by Massimo Ruberti
"Hailfire Peaks" by Thiaz Itch
"I To The 16th" by Andy Derryberry