Posts tagged #loss

Minisode 2.1: Nicole Leung - In Memoriam

Nicole Leung passed away March 4 of this year, though I only learned so earlier this month. To work through my feelings, I wrote this personal essay about the person she was to me, and included some audio from her original interview that I was lucky to find.

I hate that this is what it took to get me back behind the microphone.

Posted on July 28, 2021 .

Episode 5: Loss in the Fifth Generation

In episode 5, Dylan McCarthy talks about a childhood spent gaming, and how games helped him cope with his father's cancer and eventual death.

Warning: This episode is about coping, and is not particularly uplifting.

Musical selections for this episode:

"Sunset" by Evgeny Grinko 
"Summers Coming" by Dexter Britain 
"Winter Sunshine" by Evgeny Grinko
"Vintage Frames" by Kai Engel 
"It smells like Chamomile Tea" by Evgeny Grinko
"Melancholy Aftersounds" by Kai Engel
"Awaken From A Nightmare" by Silver Process 
"From Truth" by Dexter Britain
"Biology Slides" by Bleak House